Established in 2001 as the Department of Mass Communication and Journalism, the School of Humanities and Social Sciences is devoted to graduate teaching and research in vivid fields of mass communication, journalism, and social sciences.

The 4-semester MA MCJ program (two years) is an offer for students who want to earn a University degree with professional expertise and academic command in Mass Communication and Journalism. It offers a graduate degree to respond to the phenomenal growth of the mass media in Nepal and the need for competent, trained, professionals equipped with the latest knowledge in ICT sector. The subject-based modules of the program arm the students with theoretical information, and the practical research work equips them with real professional talents. This program is useful for both fresh graduates and working journalists.

Aims of the Program

  • Enable students to have knowledge of the theoretical concepts, communication skills and practical experience necessary to pursue careers in media profession and media enterprises.
  • Impart knowledge through important research on the process, context and impact of mass communication and develop appropriate research methods for the study of mass communication.
  • Provide knowledge and experience essential to take academic and professional leadership in media institutions.
  • Train students to apply information technology in the mass media.
  • Build up skills to pursue the career as a journalist, communication officer, visual maker, multimedia communicator and media executive.
  • Continue further education beyond Master’s Degree.

Master’s Thesis

Master’s thesis, at KCC, emphasizes both theoretical creativity and substantive empirical research on important media issues, including political and socio-economic issues with links to communication discipline. Those seriously conducting thesis works in mass communication and journalism will emerge as media critics and analysts in addition to becoming normal communication researchers.

Some theses undertaken by our students include:

  • Human rights issues
  • Indigenous issues in media
  • Press freedom issues, Right to Information and post 1990 Nepalese media.
  • Libel and Slander Act
  • Media coverage of medicinal and aromatic plants in Nepal
  • CA Election
  • National and international information dissemination system
  • Online news portals in Nepal
  • Gender issues, media coverage of women politicians
  • Community radio
  • Media map of Nepal
  • Climate change
  • Communication and Hinduism
  • Heritage information, culture
  • Issues beyond the headlines
  • Fashion designing
  • Tourism
  • Cartoons
  • Letter to editors, readership
  • Untouchability in the age of information revolution
  • Educational status

Newsroom + Classroom:

The lectures for MA MCJ graduates at KCC are designed to incorporate elements from newsroom professional practices and the state-of-the-arts classroom. KCC provides you an intro to what you may encounter in your professional practice.


The major practical facilities under the SoHSS include a computer lab, photography lab and an audio-visual lab. The audio-visual lab, equipped with recording and broadcasting equipment, includes internet connectivity. The visual lab organizes a series of TV camera workshops for practical experience.


The library provides seating space for 60 readers. It has more than 10,000 books and journals, plus video and audio CD, and other materials located in stacks.

Media Production:

To teach them various journalism skills such as news collection, reporting, interview, news writing, copy writing, news and program production and presentation for print, radio, TV, film and online media. To make them capable to use of computer technology in the area of media production, to teach them to proper use of social media, new media, blogs, online.

Project work presentation:

Project work is a vital component of the MA MCJ program. Although the Purbanchal University has included it as a single credit course, it is more than or equivalent to three credits. Students are required to present and defend their works. Such presentations are aimed at strengthening the project work of students through feedback, to develop the presentation skills of students, make them capable of using power point presentation with multimedia effects and develop their expressive skills.

MA MCJ students are required to submit and defend the following works:

Semester Code Subject Credit Hours
1st MCJ 507 PROJ Project Work I 1
2nd MCJ 527 PROJ Project Work II (Institutional profile writing) 1
3rd MCJ 604 JOU Internship (One-month internship report) 2
MCJ 608 PROJ Project Work III (Case study) 1
4th MCJ 612 MC Thesis 6
MCJ 621 Opt Term Paper on various sectors of media 3
MCJ 622 Opt Term Paper on practical projects of audio, or audio-visual or photojournalism. 3


Seminars: Seminar is an integral part of the MA MCJ program basically to teach students practical approach of conducting seminars, give them opportunity to moderate seminar and present seminar paper as well.


KCC provides educational workshops selecting the theme of workshop from the course books. It will help students to boost their writing skills and expressive skills.


Prof. Rama Krishna Regmee (Chair,School of Humanities and Social Sciences) MA/PG Diploma in Journalism (Germany)
Mr. Rajiv Timalsina (Program Coordinator) MA MCJ (PU)
Mr. Janardan Bista (Senior Lecturer) News Editor (Radio Nepal), MBA (TU), MA MCJ (PU)
Mr. Yek Raj Pathak (Senior Lecturer) Senior News Editor (RSS), Pursuing Ph.D. (India), MA MCJ (PU)
Mr. Amit Poudyal (Media Production Coordinator) Communication Officer (WWF), MA MCJ (PU)
Mr. Abhas D Rajopadhyaya (Project Coordinator) MA MCJ (PU), MA (Anthropology, TU)
Mr. Shree Ram Singh Basnet Editor-in-Chief (RSS), MA/Diploma in Mass Communication (India)
Mt. Laxmi Nath Sharma MA (History, TU), Broadcast Development (Malaysia)
Mr. Pradeep Upadhyaya Sound Engineer
Mr. Tapanath Shukla PG Diploma in Sound Recording and Engineering (Pune), Former Chairperson (Radio Nepal)
Mr. Kundan Aryal Pursuing Ph.D. (TU), M.Phil. (Focus on Media Studies), MA MCJ (PU), Former Chairperson (NTV)
Mr. Suresh Acharya Pursuing Ph.D. (TU), MA MCJ (PU), Former Chairperson (FNJ)
Mr. Modnath Dhakal MA (Mass Communication, Pakistan)
Mr. Pratibedan Baidya Communication Officer (LWF), MA MCJ (PU), LLB (TU)
Mr. Shailendra Basnet Founder (E-Prabidhi), MCA (PU)
Mr. Anish Shrestha MCA (PU)
Mr. Saroj Adhikari (Lab Coordinator) PGDCS
Mr. Madhusudan Thapa Senior Photographer
Mr. Baburaja Shakya Print
Ms. Shruti Shrestha Photo Journalist, MA MCJ (PU)
Mr. Bigyan Sharma MA MCJ (PU)
Mr. Satya Man Shrestha Cameraperson

Guest Lecturers

Prof. Dr. Mahendra Singh Ph.D. (Economics, India)
Dr. Keshab Raj Devkota Ph.D.
Mr. Mohan Nepali MA (English, TU), MA MCJ (PU)
Mr. Laxman Humagain General Manager (NTV), MA MCJ (PU)
Mr. Shankar Bhattarai M.Phil. (Pokhara), MA (Economics, TU), MM (Philippines)
Mr. Prakash Dhungana Judge, LLM (Commercial Law, TU)
Mr. Umesh Shrestha MA MCJ (PU)
Mr. Pukar Ghimire Public Relation Manager (Dabur Nepal), MA (Public Relation, UK), MA MCJ (PU)
Mr. Bijay Mani Poudel MA (Economics, TU), MA MCJ (PU)

Courses in the MA MCJ Program The program is structured on four levels: foundation, core, capstone, and concentration. Completion of all the courses leads to the Masters Degree in MCJ. Students are required to complete altogether 25 courses totaling 71 credit hours (foundation courses: 18, core: 27, capstone: 6, concentration: 12, electives: 6 and 2 in summer project). Courses in the MA MCJ Program FIRST SEMESTER (19 Credit Hours)

  • MCJ 501 MC Mass Communication: Theories and Practices (3)
  • MCJ 502 JOU Modern Journalism: Principles and Trends (3)
  • MCJ 503 MC Reporting/Editing or Term Paper (3)
  • MCJ 504 JOU Electronic Media: History and Modern Trends (3)
  • MCJ 505 MC Media Law (3)
  • MCJ 506 NUM Fundamentals of Information System (3)
  • MCJ 507 Project I (1)

SECOND SEMESTER (19 Credit Hours)

  • MCJ 521 MC Mass Media Industry and Society (3)
  • MCJ 522 MC News Products Marketing (3)
  • MCJ 523 MC Research in Mass Communication (3)
  • MCJ 524 MC Advanced Electronic Media (3)
  • MCJ 525 JOU Comparative Study of the Media and Journalism in Nepal (3)
  • MCJ 526 NUM Advanced Concepts in Electronic Publication (3)
  • MCJ 527 Project II: Institutional Profile Writing (1)

THIRD SEMESTER  (18 Credit Hours)

  • MCJ 601 MC Mass Communication and Advertisement 3
  • MCJ 602 JOU Mass Media and Public Relations 3
  • MCJ 603 NUM Multimedia application 3
  • MCJ 604 JOU Internship 2
  • MCJ 605 MC SAARC Media 3
  • MCJ 606 JOU
  • MCJ 607 JOU Print Journalism  OR Broadcast Journalism (3)
  • MCJ 608 Project III Case Study (1)

FOURTH SEMESTER (15 Credit Hours)

  • MCJ 611 JOU Media Management (3)
  • MCJ 612 MC Thesis (6)
  • Elective I (3)
  • Elective II (3)


  • MCJ 613 MC Media and Gender
  • MCJ 614 JOU Development Journalism
  • MCJ 615 JOU Science and Environmental Journalism
  • MCJ 616 JOU Court Reporting
  • MCJ 617 MC Public Communication
  • MCJ 618 MC International Communication
  • MCJ 619 MC Alternative Media Practices
  • MCJ 620 NUM Cyber Publishing
  • MCJ 621 Opt Term papers on various sectors of media
  • MCJ 622 Opt Term paper on practical projects of audio OR Audio-visual or photojournalism

Students who have completed Bachelor’s degree level in any faculty with at least 50 percent of aggregate marks and interested in multidimensional aspects of mass communication and journalism can apply for the MA MCJ program in November of every year. The initial process includes submitting a completed form and appearing for the proposed Entrance Test before an Oral Interview. Those able to clear the Entrance Test and the Oral Interview can be selected for the program. However, the Department of Mass Communication and Journalism is not compelled to enroll all of those who pass the Entrance Test and the Oral Interview in case of the unavailability of seats. Decision is taken on merit basis.


The Department of Mass Communication provides partial scholarships to working journalists as well as four candidates representing remote areas, the indigenous community, the underprivileged and the women. Besides this partial scholarship, semester toppers get waive-off of their semester fees.


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